In this thrilling installment of our devlog series, we’re diving headfirst into the captivating world of evolution and the exhilarating tournament system in Montabi. Get ready to witness the game evolve along with your monsters! Evolution Unleashed...
We are thrilled to announce that Rolling Glory (, a digital enabler studio founded in Bandung in 2012, has formally become our sister company. Their mission is to be the go-to partner for digital solutions, and they have already made...
In today’s blog, I (Boy Dozan) will personally write about our journey as Mankibo in the past year. July 1st marks exactly one year since Mankibo started its journey. Looking back, I never planned to start a new game company, but life had a different plan for...
We’re thrilled to share the latest progress on Montabi! In Devlog #8, we’ve been hard at work implementing exciting features and enhancements that bring us closer to creating an immersive monster taming experience. Here are the key highlights from this...
Greetings, Montabi enthusiasts! It’s time for another exciting update on our game’s development. Since our last devlog, we have been hard at work refining the battle mechanics and making notable improvements to enhance the overall visual experience. One...